12 February 2011

never ever do i wanna....

end up vegitized in a nursing home...

i HATE NH..... not new hampshire nursing homes. they smell bad, the food is probably horrendous, and it's just always been and erie place in my mind, shoot im fine at funeral homes... but not a NH...

I never want to be like some of the folks there with no clue as to where they are, who they are... not being able to feed or even shower themselves, so i hope i go fully when i do, before that crap sets in...

which got me to thinkin, i'd rather have a shot of some good ole death than suffer that, which lead me to thinkin that as a Christian, that's morally wrong, the whole euthanasia thing... it's murder on one half of the equation, and suicide on the other... but what happened in the old days, the WAY old days im sure they had strokes that people "pulled" through to become a veggie... what did they do with them poor saps?? they probably left them... to die (which some would consider murder... or manslaughter at the least)....i dunno...i wonder what the Good Lord would think of the sitch??? it's tha same thing as euthanasia...ish, in the suffering is MUCH less prolonged than today's drag em on as long as we can cuz there is an emotional selfishness there..... as much as we love our loved ones why do we let them suffer like that , we love our pets and when they are suffering we put them down, so they dont have to suffer any longer... how much more do we love our human comanions.... that we drag them thru the slop....only for them to live like....baked potatoes the remainder of their "life"

Now with all that being said... as a Christian.. i dont think that i could ever condone euthanasia... but it's one of those questions when i go see the Big Guy upstairs, i'll ask him.... and then i'll ask him bout the emperor penguins... WTF is their deal???....


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