24 September 2011

Today was a LOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG effin day, but dont read that as a bad day. Started the morning by picking up, a new toy to learn to work on. It's rough.. but it was free, and will let me explore a different type of mechanicals in my brain. It's a 76 CB750 (a little numbers research turns out that it's a 79 CB750K) that's a Honda. First order of business is to get it running.

Next i helped a buddy from ( old ) work move up to tucson, then met up with the family ( who went up there to do some shoppin and whatnots) but i hadnt received my sustenance from the lunchtime time period, so on my way to northside, i decided that i make good on a promise to myself that i'd hit up Pat's for some chili dog action. So i did!!!
4've em, thats how many i do, but before you get all health crazy on me.... i didnt get any fries, and no soda either... so totally worth it ;). Two hot, and two mild is my norm and if you go do yourself a favor and do the same, it was a lil more than 6 bux, for THE BEST chili dogs in Tucson.

So next time you are in Tucson town, get off I 10 @ speedway and head west to Grande, turn left til you see Pat's ( @ niagra if you wanna go by street names) you wont regret it!!!

then we were off to Costco, so we could get some bulk necessities, like muffins, and croissants, a 100 lb roll of aluminum foil ( alright not that heavy but it's HUGE) that's for the BBQ, i dunno what else we got cuz my brain is fried, you know from that long day i told you about at the beginning... anywhoo....



  1. Dang it all..... If I knew you were going to Costco, I would have asked you to pick me up something (and I'da aid you back) :(
    Can ya let me know the next time you go?? PLEASE!!!!!!!!
